Monday, November 07, 2005

Ahh... the first day of classes is over, so I can breathe freely now. I was terrified yesterday thinking of how today would go, but things ran fairly smoothly - atleast with the actual teaching part. My part of this job as Coordinator is still very chaotic with so much that needs to be done. I spent most of the afternoon at the institute typing up flyers for our different club meetings, and other announcements to be posted in the classrooms. I was very envious of my teachers today, because while I was busily working away on administrative duties, they were at home taking a nap - what I wished I was doing instead. But hopefully, things will calm down within the next week, and the institute will run smoothly until the end of the term when all grades and other paper work will be due.

The first day of class is always fun for me because that's when each student has to stand in front of the class and introduce themselves. Then, they are subjected to questions from the class, and best of all - by me! :o) It was fun getting to know the students - what their interests are and other fun details that I was inquiring about. Tomorrow the real work begins!