Friday, February 10, 2006

Winter Camp 2006

Last weekend was probably one of the highlight weekends I've had here in Korea. We attended the annual Winter Camp located in the beautiful snowy mountains. This camp is similar to the camp I attended last summer(Summer Camp 2005), but with the obvious difference of the time of year. These camps are designed to attract students who are interested in learning more about God and of course, want to get more experience with speaking English. Because this camp was located at a ski resort, there were limits for how many students could attend from each institute - some institutes had up to 60 students. Our institute is still in the beginning stages and we were more than happy to have 7 students join us for the camp.

The camp itself was for only 3 days - Friday & Saturday. Then on Sunday we all hit the slopes for some skiing/snowboarding. (I tried out snowboarding - it was hard work, but fun!) During the camp, we had 3 general meetings where we had invited a special speaker to address us as a whole. We then had a few small group meetings when we met with our own institute groups and have special bible studies. By Saturday night, we had a total of 89 students who were baptized. I'm happy to say that 2 from my institute were baptized - one of them is my level 2 student named Song. I was SO excited to see Song stand up and walk to the front of the auditorium during the alter call for baptism.

During my training when I first came to Korea, the President of SDA Language Institute came and spoke to us new teachers. His wish for us, was to one day see atleast one of our students come to Christ and to experience the power of God who uses us to reach our students. Song is the first of my students to be baptized, and I am humbled in the thought that God used me as His instrument in reaching this student. I was able to witness Song's growing interest in God and was able to see it through to baptism. What a wonderful testiment that God can use anyone for His greater good - even someone like me.