Monday, January 23, 2006

So this morning, I gave a holler out to my sister whom I haven't spoken to in a few days, and was pleasantly surprised to hear some news that she gave me. I learned that Chile elected it's first female president into office last week. Although this news doesn't affect me directly, it certainly does for my family in Chile. However, being the feminist that I am, I was SO excited to hear this news! Who would've thought 5 or 10 years ago that this would be possible? It was made possible because the people wanted it and democracy permitted it. Michelle Bachelet, a socialist, won 53.5% of the votes against her rival Sabastian Pinera. Bachelet is the first woman in South America to be elected president on her own merits, not as a relative of a deceased male leader.

What does this mean for Chile and its future? Well, that only time will tell. But she is being hailed as a symbol of change for Chile - hopefully a change not just for the women in Chile, but for women around the world to see that anything is possible. :o)

Hmn... Esther for President? WHAT?!! Bush won, why can't I?
hee hee... :o)