A couple of weekends ago, all teachers were sent to Madalpi - a camp site for the annual teacher's retreat. All 360+ teachers of the SDA Language Institute came together for meetings and various activities like a talent show and sporting events throughout the weekend. This was my chance to say my final goodbyes to many teachers that I've met over the course of my year here.
We had an excellent speaker from the General Conference come out to give us some encouragement for our work here in Korea. It's easy over time, to lose focus on the reason why we're here because of the stresses of teaching or for some, homesickness. I've been lucky enough to have frequent chats with my family and close friends which has been SUCH a blessing. I'm very thankful to have so much support from those I love.

I was recruited to play the drum for
the Puerto Ricans singing Parrandas
the Puerto Ricans singing Parrandas
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