Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i became an aunt when i was just 6 months old, then had a niece and nephew born during my early teenage years. but i haven't i had as much fun being an aunt as i am now. i'm at the age when i can enjoy them without too many distractions, and spoil them to no end because i have little to pay for - minus school loans of course. Carolina, my sister's baby, is now 7 months; Zoe, my brother's baby, is now 5 months. lucky for me, i have atleast one of these babies living near me - Carolina, whom i see just about every day, while Zoe lives in nashville.

Zoe came for a visit this weekend and it was fun to see her play with her cousin Carrie. they're complete opposites of each other. Carrie's very active and is quite the little entertainer. Zoe is quiet(shocking since she's got Aviles blood running through her veins :o) and likes to chill - she can sit on my lap for hours just looking around and chewing her on her hand. :o)

these babies are such a blessing to our family and bring us a lot smiles and laughter.

Carolina Rebecca

Zoe Isabella

Friday, May 12, 2006

ok, so it's been awhile since i've posted anything on this blog, so here's the latest that's been going on since i returned to the states...

i'm working on going to Chile to teach english and possibly music there at an SDA high school located about 7 hours from santiago. i'm in the middle of doing some paper work for it - writing up a proposal, and working on the visa situation, etc. If all goes well, i'll be leaving mid july and will be there through december. The school year in chile runs from march - december, so i'll be arriving in time to teach for second semester.

i'm really excited about this opportunity to teach and to learn more about my own culture. i'll write more as i know more. :o)