Friday, November 18, 2005

I'm back in the land of frequent internet users! I have been begging - pleading for my computer to be connected since I came here 3 weeks ago. Now I can relax and enjoy my own private internet heaven. :o)

So much has been happening since I came to Seoul - which I've talked about in earlier posts. I've now finished my second week here at the Dong Seoul(East Seoul) Institute and have given several tests already. There are normally 36 days in each term - some terms are longer depending on holidays(there are many) with long weekends, etc. But this term is going to be short because there are no holidays, except for Christmas which by then, the term will be over and I'll be AT HOME!!! :o) As of yesterday(Thursday), I have 5 weeks left then I'm outta here - SO excited about that. Don't get me wrong, I like what I'm doing here, but there's NOTHING like being at home in my own environment, eating the food that I'm used to consuming, sleeping in my own bed, and chilling with my family and buddies - especially during the holidays.