Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's Wednesday morning here in Korea - so what does that mean? Well, it's my last day of class before I head out. I don't think that it's fully hit me yet that I'm leaving. I keep thinking about all the things I have to do before I leave - closing my Korean banking account, finishing up my grades(which I did last night), and most of all - PACKING! I was sorting through my room a bit yesterday afternoon and discovered SO many things that I've had that I never used. So my roommates went through my room taking things that I know I won't need once I'm home. I leave tomorrow for New Zealand first, then a few days later, I fly to Australia for a quick visit. I'll eventually end up in the states on the 6th after doing some running around on this part of the globe. :o)

In all seriousness, God has really blessed me that I've been able to travel so much - not just during my year here, but throughout my life. I've visited a total of 25 countries, beginning with my first trip abroad(excluding regular trips to Chile with the family, of course) to Venezuela, and many countries since then. I have this side of me that needs constant adventure and change. Coming to Korea definately was a big change for me, but it was a good choice. It's been difficult at times to be away from my family and good friends, but I've grown in ways that I probably wouldn't have if I'd stayed in the states. God is continuously working in my life to change me and mold me into the person He wants me to be - I just have to keep listening and try to keep walking in His footsteps.