Anyung Haseo Korea
(goodbye Korea)
My farewell to Korea began last Sabbath, April 22 during the church service. I was asked to give a short speech of my overall impression and memories of Korea. For the first time in my life, I was at loss for words. It's difficult to describe an overall experience - especially when it covers the span of one year. I don't think I'll fully understand the impact of this experience for atleast another few months, but I did the best I could to gather a few thoughts and share a few memories.After my short talk, all the faculty and staff surprised me with a special song. As the song was coming to the end, each one of them presented me with a single pink rose - it was such a sweet gesture. We then took a group picture including a few of my students who came to the church service to spend some time with me.

Saying goodbye to this institute is more difficult than I thought it would be because of my students. I have really enjoyed getting to know the students each term and this term was no different. I was showered with gifts, thank you's, and hugs from so many.

As I now look around my empty bedroom, I'm beginning to realize that this is it. God called me on this mission, and I pray that my work here has been acceptable in His eyes. I have struggled, cried, been so lonely at times, but God has never left me and has always shown me at my weakest moments, that I am loved and that He is by my side in everything.